For standard directory listings, images are generally auto-resized to fit preview containers. However to get the best results, we recommend your uploaded image should have a height / width ratio of 0.8, i.e 800px (height) by 1000px (width).
For standard directory listings, images are generally auto-resized to fit preview containers. However to get the best results, we recommend your uploaded image should have a height / width ratio of 0.8, i.e 800px (height) by 1000px (width).
While logged in, and in the Directory section of, just browse to your listing. Click on the Edit this Item link.
It is possible that you listing is still being reviewed before publishing. This could be a security meaure to ensure community guidelines are met. Generally, your listing will be available for viewing between a few seconds and two hours.
To speed up processing, please contact support by sending us a message on our contact page.
You have to subscribe to at least a ComingNextDoor starter plan to be able to post a directory listing.
After logging in, you can access the new listing creation link via the "Directory" menu, or via your profile page.
Your listing will be available for viewing upon saving.
NB: Listings may need to be approved by ComingNextDoor before publishing to ensure that content meets community guidelines.
Only if the physical addresses are different. If your business or organisation has various branches, it is recommended that you list all your branches separately. This is because a lot of visitors search services for particular communities. If you have a business branch in 10 cities and you list just in 6 locations, you may not be found by people searches specifically in the other 4 locations.
Your longitude and Latitude values are needed by our google maps addon to determine your exact location. You will need these values when submitting a standard listing.
To get these values for your address, just do a google search for your locations's latitude and longitude. Your longitude will have a negative value.
Alternatively, open google maps, type in your address in the search bar, or navigate to your address on the map. Click and hold your location for a few seconds and release your mouse or finger.
Your latitude and longitude will pop up, separated by a comma.